Arts in City Hall
March Featured Artists
Hardin County High School Visual Art Class
Monday, March 18, 2019 – April 4, 2019

Back: Antrean Morrow, Lacy Tims, Fernando Martinez, and Danielle Snodgrass
There are additional students that are not pictured but do have items on display.
This month’s featured Artists are the Hardin County High School Art Class students. It’s not often that we have the occasion to see the artwork in a show so Savannah Main Street and ‘Arts in City Hall’ wanted to use this opportunity to host an event where the students get to show off their efforts.
Most are seniors taught by Hager Droke and have had at least two years of art class at HCHS. In the first year, they study art appreciation and practice basic artistic skills. In the second year and beyond, the class functions more like an art studio. The students continue to widen their scope of skills, techniques, and media to produce more drawings, paintings, sculptures, photography, and printmaking. Within these various genres and motifs are challenges that students have, with progress and effort, the chance to excel at.
We all need to be reminding our students the value of Fine Arts, both in the classroom and out, and set the stage for talented performers to move their education from a classroom into a hobby and possible career.
Please don’t miss out on viewing this month’s artwork. Included are Paintings from a sweet pig and giraffe with long eyelashes, Paper Mache, Mixed Media Sculpture, String Art as well as Photography.